English is Fun and Easy Grade 5

Al Jannah menyiapkan pemimpin Taqwa dan kreatif


  Al Jannah students especially level 5 on 5th October having a special guest that is the arrival of an English teacher, namely Ms. Erien Anderson. Ms Erien, who is a native teacher from Texas, United States, had the opportunity to teach in 5 Titan, 5 Hyperion, 5 Phobos and 5 Calisto.
  On that occasion Ms Erien delivered material about “Many things from many places”. We can see all the students were very enthusiastic and very active in learning. Ms Erien also seemed very happy when teaching the students.
Through this native speaker program  certainly very helpful for students’ enthusiasm for practicing English speaking skills. By communicating with native speakers, we will get vocabulary that we don’t know before and expressions that we don’t find in dictionaries or English textbooks.
  They will also guide you if there is a vocabulary that does not match the sentence you say.
Moreover, learning with native speaker can also improves your confidence. So, whenever you meet someone from foreign countries, you are more confident during the conversation.


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