School of Taqwa & Creative Leaders
Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, Thank God the Mount Halimun Salak Batch 3 Expedition for Al-Jannah Middle School as a Project to Strengthen the 3rd Level 8 Pancasila Student Profile went well. After rescheduling for departures several times due to extreme weather warnings from BMKG, as well as going through a series of physical and knowledge preparation classes for months, 48 students from Level 8 and 16 teachers participated in this event.
On Thursday, 11 May 2023 the trip started from Cidahu then the participants spent the night at the Bajuri Post. The next day 12 May 2023 all participants continued their journey through Kawah Ratu and ended the trip at Pasir Reungit. This activity was testing everything they learned at school, also helped them gaining new knowledge, mental training and achieving independent, responsible and discipline character. Students also got to know the various types of habitats in Mount Salak National Park and to know Kawah Ratu as a place for research on geothermal energy.
During the activity the weather was particularly good. The participants enthusiastically took part in the whole series of activities. Hopefully in the future all participants will be able to be more grateful and preserve the blessings of Allah SWT for the creation of nature which is very beneficial for human beings. We wish a generation of leaders who are tough, disciplined and independent will be born from those who care about the environment and are mentally strong and tough.
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