Sekolahnya Pemimpin Taqwa dan Kreatif
Thanks to Allah SWT that the 2023 Al Jannah Middle School Accreditation process has gone well. It is marked by the SK BAN S/M No 477/BAN-SM/SK/2023 concerning DETERMINATION OF RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SCHOOL/MADRASAH ACCREDITATION IN 2023 which stipulates that SMP Al Jannah obtained an Accreditation Score of A (Excellent) with a score of 96.
As an expression of our gratitude, all of the Al Jannah Middle School academic community and management held a celebration for the grace of Allah Subhanahu wataala with the hope that SMP Al Jannah will continue to strive to maintain and improve the quality of the school as well as possible.
Aamiin yaa robbal alamiin.
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