School of Taqwa & Creative Leaders
Alhamdulillah, On Wednesday, May 17 2023, 118 Level 7 and Level 8 students at SMP Al-Jannah have carried out routine semester activities, namely Edutrip, this time to the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia with the theme “Wednesday for The National Library Visit, To be Creative and Critical We Commit”.
The mode of transportation used by students to go to the National Library of Indonesia is by using the School Bus in collaboration with SMP Al-Jannah and the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency.
The activities on this day coincided with the commemoration of National Book Day and the Birthday of the Republic of Indonesia’s National Library. And in particular, we were welcomed directly by the Head of the National Library of Indonesia, Mr. Muhammad Syarif Bando.
The purpose of this activity is to introduce the national library and instill a love of literacy in students.
The students were so excited to explore the National Library from the 1st floor to the 24th floor. They also worked on worksheets which related to Indonesian language learning materials in relation to Fiction and Non-Fiction Books.
Greetings Literacy, Let’s Read
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